Preferences Dialog

  The preferences dialog is displayed by clicking Project->Preferences in install4j's main menu.
  The preferences dialog has two panels:
  • Appearance
    Here, you can select a look and feel for the install4j IDE. This does not affect generated installers, they always use the native look and feel. The newly selected look and feel will be used when install4j is started the next time.
  • Miscellaneous

    In the Startup section of this tab you can specify that install4j should load the last edited project at startup. If this option is not selected, install4j starts with a blank screen. If you specify a project file at the command line, that project will be loaded in any case.

    In the Browser section section of this tab, the browser start command for your preferred browser can be adjusted. Use $URL as a variable for the URL to be displayed. This setting is important for generating project reports. If you leave the text box empty, install4j will use the system defaults on Windows and macOS and try to invoke netscape on Linux and Solaris.