Media File Wizard: 32-bit Or 64-bit (Windows Only)

  This step of the media file wizard is specific to Windows media file types.
  On Windows, a native executable can be either a 32-bit or a 64-bit executable. If you need a 64-bit JRE for your application you can choose to generate 64-bit installers and launchers for a media file.

Note that it is not possible to create launchers that work with both 64-bit and 32-bit JREs. Since the launcher starts the JVM with the JNI interface by loading the JVM DLL, the architecture has to be the same. If you target both 32-bit and 64-bit JREs and operating systems, you have to generate different media files for them.

On a 64-bit Windows, there are separate system directories for 32-bit and 64-bit applications. If you enable the 64-bit executable mode in this step, those system directories will be appropriate for 64-bit applications, e.g. c:\Program Files instead of c:\Program Files (x86).