Memory Profiling Options

  On this tab of the profiling settings dialog, you can adjust all options related to memory profiling. These settings influence the detail level of memory profiling data and the profiling overhead.
  The following options are available:
  • Recording type

    The information depth of the allocation call tree and the allocation hot spots view is governed by this setting.

    • Live objects
      By default, only live objects can be displayed by the allocation views. Class-resolution is enabled.
    • Live and GCed objects without class resolution
      Live and garbage collected objects can be displayed by the allocation views, depending on the selection in the allocation options dialog. Class-resolution is disabled, i.e. class selection in the allocation options dialog will not work in this setting, only the cumulated allocations of all classes and array types can be displayed. This setting consumes more memory than the first setting and adds a considerable performance overhead.
    • Live and GCed objects
      Live and garbage collected objects can be displayed by the allocation views, depending on the selection in the allocation options dialog. Class-resolution is enabled. This setting consumes more memory than the other settings and adds adds a considerable performance overhead.
  • Allocation times

    Select the Record object allocation time check box if you would like to be able to

    This setting leads to an increased memory consumption when recording objects.