Probes Time Line

  The time-line view is conceptually similar to the thread history view. The role of the threads is taken by the control objects and thread states are replaced by the active states of the control object. For example, the file probe has files as control objects and the available states describe if the file is being read or written. The orange default state signifies that the control object is idle and no special action is being performed. For more information on control objects and states, see the probes overview.
  At the top of the view, there is a filter selector. You can use it to restrict the displayed control objects by
  • Status
    From the combo box you can choose if you wish to display open, closed or both open and closed control objects.
  • Name
    In the text box you can enter the full name of a control object or only a part of it. Only control objects whose names begin with this fragment are displayed. You can also use wildcards ("*" and "?") to select groups of control objects. Please note that if you use wildcards, you have to manually append a trailing "*" if desired. You can display the union of multiple filters at the same time by separating multiple filter expressions with commas, e.g. test-, MyTest-*-123.
  When you right-click a control-object name on the left side of the view, a context menu will be displayed that allows you to jump to the control objects view or the events view and display the single selected control object there.
  Please see the help on graphs with a time axis for help on common properties of graph views.
  Grid lines and background of the time line view can be configured in the view settings dialog.