Trigger Settings

  In the trigger settings section of the session settings dialog you can configure triggers that allow you to respond to certain events in the JVM with a list of actions. For further background information, please see the help topic on triggers and offline profiling.
  The trigger settings section is grouped into several tabs:
  • Triggers

    Here, you define the list of triggers for your session. By default, no triggers are defined. To add new triggers, click on the  add button to display the trigger wizard. The trigger wizard is also used to  edit existing triggers.

    Some triggers are only required occasionally, especially when the set of actions incurs a considerable overhead, such as saving snapshots. JProfiler allows you to   disable and enable triggers so you do not lose their configuration for the next time you need them. The corresponding actions are also available from the context menu.

    Note that you can select multiple triggers to quickly disable, enable or delete many triggers.

    Trigger configurations can be saved to trigger sets with the  save button, with the  open button you can add a trigger set to the current list of triggers.

    On the session defaults tab of the general settings dialog you can change the default trigger set used for new sessions. By default, no triggers are added to a new session.

  • Output options

    The following actions print information when they are executed:

    • Print message
    • Print method invocation

    On this tab you define where this output should be printed. The available options are:

    • Print to stdout
    • Print to stderr
    • Print to file
      For this option you have to enter a file name. The file will be saved relative to the working directory of the profiled JVM on the machine where the profiled JVM is running.