Classpath Entry Dialog

The class path entry dialog is shown when clicking on the  add button in the "configure java invocation" step of the exe4j wizard. Upon closing this dialog with the OK button, a new class path entry will be appended to the bottom of the class path list of that step.

To define a class path entry, you first select the entry type, then check the fail if an error occurs with this class path entry checkbox in case you want the startup to be terminated if this class path entry is faulty and finally fill out the Detail section of the dialog which is dependent on the selected entry type. The following entry types are available:

Except for the "Environment variable" classpath type, you can use environment variables in the text field with the following syntax: ${VARIABLE_NAME} where you replace VARIABLE_NAME with the desired environment variable.

The directory of the JRE that your application is running with is contained in ${EXE4J_JVM_HOME}. If you've specified in the Configure JRE step, that only JDKs and no JREs should be used, you can append \.. after the variable to change into the JDK home directory. For example, to reference tools.jar, you'd have to write %EXE4J_JVM_HOME%\..\lib\tools.jar.

Note that for path selections by means of a file chooser (... buttons), exe4j will try to convert the path to be relative to the distribution source directory.