Exe4j Wizard - Step 6: Configure JRE

In this step of the exe4j wizard, you enter the version requirements for the JRE or JDK that your application will be started with on the target system.

  The minimum Java version must be specified in the Java version section of this step.

The maximum Java version can be specified in the Java version section of this step. If it is left empty, any JRE or JDK with a higher version than the minimum version is acceptable.

  The maximum Java version can be entered with less numeric detail than the minimum Java version to prevent the use of a higher major or minor release. For example, a minimum version of 1.4.1 and a maximum version of 1.4 ensures that the highest available 1.4.x >= 1.4.1 JRE is used, but not a 1.5 JRE. Similarly, a minimum version of 1.4.1_03 and a maximum version of 1.4.1 ensures that the highest available 1.4.1 >= 1.4.1_03 JRE is used, but not a 1.4.2 JRE.
  In addition to the version requirements, the following constraints are available:
  • allow JREs with a beta version number
    By default, JREs with a beta version number or JREs from an early access release cycle will not be used by the launcher. If you would like to enable the use of these JREs, please check this option.
  • only allow JDKs and no JREs
    Only JDKs will be used for launching your application, JREs will not be considered in the search sequence.
  For more detailed requirements on which JRE should be used (e.g. for bundling your own JRE in the distribution), please see the search sequence advanced options step and the preferred VM advanced options step.