Build Options

  The following options are available for the build process:
  • Enable extra verbose output
    If this option is checked, much more information than usual will be printed in the build output text area. This can be useful for getting more information about the reason of a build failure.
  • Do not delete temporary directory
    If this option is checked, the temporary directory where install4j creates the project is not deleted after completion or failure. This can be useful for trouble shooting.
  • Disable LZMA and Pack200 compression
    If this option is checked and either LZMA or Pack200 compression have been enabled for this project on the media file options tab, these compressions will be disabled for the build. This is useful during testing, since without LZMA and Pack200 compression, the build will complete much faster.
  • Disable code signing
    If this option is checked and code signing is configured on the code signing, code signing will be disabled for the build. This is useful during testing to avoid entry of key store passwords.
  • Create additional debug installer
    If this option is checked, directories with debug installers will be created in the media file output directory that allow you to execute the installer as well as the uninstaller with a plain Java invocation from the command line as well as from your IDE. Please see the API documentation for more information.