Search Sequence Entry Dialog

  The search sequence entry dialog is shown when clicking on the  add button in the Java Version tab of the General settings step. Upon closing this dialog with the OK button, a new search sequence entry will be appended to the bottom of the search sequence list on that tab.
  To define a search sequence entry, you select the entry type and fill out the Detail section of the dialog which is dependent on the selected entry type. The following entry types are available:
  •  Search registry
    Search the Windows registry and well-known standard locations for installed JREs and JDKs by Sun Microsystems.
  •  Directory
    Look in the specified directory. This is useful if you distribute your own JRE (not one provided by install4j) along with your application. In that case, be sure to supply a relative path. Note that relative directories will be interpreted as relative to the installation root directory.
  •  Environment variable
    Look for a JRE of JDK in a location that is defined by an environment variable like JAVA_HOME or MYAPP_JAVA_HOME.